New Year

I remember the day my 3rd baby was born. We have planned to name her Seraphina and because of what we went through throughout expecting her, we also decided that her second name would be Faith. It was truly a journey that required faith in all aspects of this pregnancy (I won't go into details now, that's for another blog). We decided that we were going to call her Faith even before she was born. Names, words, what you call something has deep meaning and significance. What you decide to name will eventually come into existence. It's the same with a new year. It is the best time to call or name your 2018 what you want it to be. What you decide to name 2018 is going to have a huge significance in your life.

Calling things out before you 'see' it may seem pointless or even dumb to some but I've learnt many times in life that what you call out or name will eventually COME INTO BEING. What you want your year to look like and be like, the miracles you want to see but don't have the courage to go through, the stories you would love to share but shy away from, begin to call them out and speak life into.

Naming my daughter Faith has helped me in bringing her into the world as perfect as a baby could be when the doctors said I had to abort her as they couldn't locate her existence in me even though there was a yolk sac and pregnancy in full throttle. Naming her Faith challenged me to believe that God would give me a perfect baby even when the doctors said there were high chances of disabilities in the fetus. Naming my angel Faith inspired me in my own walk of faith with God and how dependent I had to become on the Holy Spirit.

What you call your year is going to stretch you, cause you to carry miracles, inspire you, challenge you and bring into being the things that are safely hidden in your heart. I encourage you to call your year a word whispered by heaven. Let God inspire you and lead you into walking towards an incredible adventurous year !

Blessed New Year to you!


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